Monday, January 29, 2007

Back on the air

Hi all,

I know, I know, I should have been posting more. But,what can I do? i've been running around these past few days and barely had access to a computer.

In any case, after my last post, i went climbing to Galcier Martial. see below:

dissapointingly, there was no glacier...justa bit of snow. The viw from up top was very nice, though (it better's a two hour climb).

Then I went to the localmuseum (museo Fin delMundo) and found the only interest was the stuffed birds (sorry about the fuzziness,but that's a condor there):

The next day, I took a 12-hour bus ride to Punta Arenas,during whch I had a somewhat scary episode where I thought I'd lost my passport and would have to stay the night at Rio Gra

nde, exlaining things to non english-speaking policmen. Happily, however, the passport was found, i got back on the bus and to punta arenas (nothing interesting there, so no pictures).

From there, I went to puerto Natales (where I am now), joined a few israelis (in the most israeli hostel ever) in a trip to Torres Del Paine...more on that next time.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

ok, quick post:

I´ve been in Ushuaia for two days and the views and weather are amazing.

here are a few pics:

Saturday, January 20, 2007

First post on foreign soil

Hello dear readers,

I've FINALLY started my trip after long long flights and waits.

As opposed to Tel Aviv and Madrid, Buenos Aires is HOT this time of year. You know, the sticky heat of a coastal city.

As I arrived at around 23:00, local time (5 hour difference), I met some of the people staying at the hostel (see group picture, below) and decided to go to a club in spite (or maybe because) of my jet lag.

Bad Decision (the second one for the day. the first one being eating those little ham and cheese sandwiches they serve on the plane). As we all know, dance clubs are dark, crowded places where head-pounding "music" is injected at an unreasonable volume into your head. Annoyed (and semi-deafened) I took a cab back to the hostel.

This ride tought me two things:

First, you should always wear seatbelts when driving around Buenos Aires: the cabbies are apparently half-mad, red lights are seen as recommendation and road lanes are considered to be useless street art. Second: not all cabs have setbelts.


The next morning (i.e. today) was spent in walking around central B.A., trying to understand why 90% of the interesting places are closed (because it's Saturday) and where all they tourists go (Recoleta). Yeah, I'm not much of an explorer.

Oh, I have to add: I had a great steak today... and here's the proof. It appears those Argentinians do know a think or two about meat... who'd have thought?

Well, it's seems you've made it to the end of my first post. I apologize if this was boring and/or devoid of literary value, as I'm saving all the juicy bits (even those from the steak) for my hardcopy journal (which I'll be happy to let you read for amodest sum).

See you next time.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

This is me before the trip...well, a year before, actually.
I can only guess about the after picture :)

Testing, testing....

Well, trying to blog for the first time:
עברית עובדת כאן?

Ay, Ay, one, two three...testing.

looks like we're good to go.

South America, here I come!